M&E services are highly required to ensure the achievement of objectives, examine compliance with time frames and estimate the extent of positive effects. Our expertise covers the development of both theory and practice in monitoring and evaluation methodology and our wealth of knowledge and experience allow us to provide a comprehensive set of monitoring and evaluation services. To measure the impacts resulting from the application of development initiatives and programs implemented by NGOs, donors, and governments. On the organizational level, we assist enterprises in the design, management and review of monitoring systems on both the project and/or enterprise level. We are also able to provide governments with M&E systems for public sector management and strategies. Our approach to M&E is not only focused on quantitative analysis and reporting achievements, but rather, based on a multidisciplinary approach where we connect technical processes with social, economic, and institutional factors. We ask the questions: what has been achieved, and why has there been success or failure? What implications are inherent, and how can they be addressed? As a result, we have successfully built our portfolio of effective qualitative methodologies and techniques that have impacted organizations and communities throughout the region.
Dev Gate monitoring and evaluation services are tailored to meeting client and project needs in a professional way but also to provide benefits to a wide range of other stakeholders. We provide solution to guide effective management decision making on what is working and not working, we provide solutions to guide development partner decision making, we provide solutions to guide government and its agencies make decisions, and we provide solutions to Academic through Building Models of Application.